Fibre Cement

What is fibre cement?

Fibre Cement is used in all forms of building and construction – residential, commercial, industrial and institutional. Dimensionally stable, Fibre Cement building boards and products add tremendous flexibility in terms of design options with no loss of the inherent qualities for which fibre cement is so highly regarded.

Fibre cement board cladding helps maintain the interior temperature, keeping your home cool on warm days. And, as far as building materials go, it is extremely low-maintenance. It won’t rot or warp due to water or weather damage.

An advantage of fibre cement is that because the raw materials mix can vary, finished products possess a number of characteristics with a wide range of applications. This makes fibre cement extremely versatile – perfect for architectural flourishes, external and internal walls, floors and internal wet areas.

How MD Brick works with you

Our team is here to help you with all of your Fibre Cement needs.

We’re here to answer your questions, provide advice and find the right fibre cement products for your project.

Contact MD Brick for a no-obligation discussion about the work you are undertaking and the range of solutions available to you.

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Speak to us today about Fibre Cement products